In a few minutes, I’ll be leaving my humble abode to board Superferry bound for Cebu on its day trip promo with my friends. It’ll be my second time to be voyaging the sea at day time. My first being years ago I can’t even vividly recall. It was also bound for Cebu but was scheduled the night before, due to a storm the sailing time was postponed. I remember my father hurriedly coming home to gather and brought us to the port, we were almost running to catch up time. Anyway, kind of anxious to watch the sunset at sea though and hope to capture the majestic view on cam.
How was your Christmas?
On the 24th, my brothers and I were at a childhood friends’ house to celebrate their mother’s birthday and their coming home as well, having their whole family residing in Manila now. It was kind of a gathering for us childhood friends. And it was fun. Catching up with each other’s lives, work, school for some, personal life. Since we don’t belong to the same age range, some 5 or 6 years younger and 5 years older than me so expect that there would be lots of chikas and interesting things to bask on. Despite the age gaps and our status, I’m glad we still remain friends and the bond has now strengthened that we were already scattered in different corners of the country. We cherish each opportunity we can get together. What I like most about our friendship is that we more or less treat each other as brothers and sisters. We were almost 15 and no romantic relationships were made, so far. Great right.
Going back home, I noticed fire trucks lining up the street along Divisoria. Too bad for those firefighters who couldn’t be at home at the struck of 12midnight.
Anyway.. I’ll be off now. My friend is on her way here to fetch me. Till next time. Enjoy your days.