Last Sunday afternoon, our city experienced a sudden burst of heavy rain for 3 straight hours. 2 of the rivers in the city overflowed thus flooding their surroundings. I was at one of the barangay in our city beside one of those rivers when it overflowed. I was trapped in one of my friend’s house as the rain was still pouring and the sky was getting darker. Another friend of ours texted that the water in their floor was already ankle-deep. Their house is in the riverbank, and even elevated by a foot from the ground. While some of my friends soaked in the rain to help neighbors near the riverbank. Watching from the window, I saw 2 wood houses being carried in the water, a washing machine and a refrigerator. When the rain slowly died down, we went to the friend whose house was near the river bank. I didn’t mind wading in the flooded, muddied alleys going to their place. We just wanted to reach their house, took a glance at the riverbank and get near the brown river. At the back of their house was our usual hang out place which was already gone with their fence. Infront of me, I witnessed 2 banana tree uprooted by the strong current and the Gmelina tree gone earlier. That’s how strong the current was. Soon after, the water level receded. Thankfully, I can already go home, and my friends in that place safe.

I visited our hang out place beside the riverbank yesterday and was glad that a little portion was still there. Though the water almost ate up everything, making a cliff 10-feet deep beside the river. As of last night, the river widened and was back to its normal level again.
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