Friday, September 18, 2009

why were they afraid?

I never thought there would still be someone I know who is afraid to cross the Carmen bridge after I led one of the youths in crossing it. Last week, after one of our practices, we would go to DiviSoria where majority of us could get a ride home. As always, we would cross the bridge. Unknowingly, one of our companions was afraid of crossing long bridges. Made me wonder why they were afraid? Because the bridge kind of vibrate whenever a vehicle passes through? Or they were not used to passing one of those long bridges we have? Oh well.. Maybe because its a new experience for them. Some paths have to be taken with risk and courage. While some, well, can be ignored. Yet opportunities knock on our doors once. We have the freedom of choice ot grab it or let it pass us by, without knowing the possible outcome or consequences of our actions.

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