She was just so hyperactive today. The moment she arrived at school, she hadn’t stopped talking, shouting, running around the lobby. When I brought her to our little room, she still hasn’t stopped talking. She talked the whole time, I couldn’t butt in, couldn’t make her to focus on the task I asked her to do. Tore the paper I asked her to write on. Sat on the floor with her white pants. If the space was enough, she could have lied down again. Drooled. Threw her shoe on my face, the other shoe on my chest. Punched my stomach. Threw the blocks on me. I wouldn’t dare let her hold the scissors. When our time was up, she continuously ran around the lobby her nanang couldn’t control her too. Attempted to get out of the gate the lady guard had to restrain her with the locked gate on her back. Etcetera etcetera. So tell me, why did I took this job again?
My co-teachers still hadn’t stopped telling me that I shouldn’t have given up the roving teacher item for this. The pay was good compared to the one I have right now and less risk on my part. It gets to the point that they get annoying. I’ve already explained to them why I gave up the said position yet they still pestered me with that ‘you shouldn’t have given it up‘, ‘you should have tried it‘, ‘you should blah blah blah‘, and the sort. I’ve gotten tired of those statement. Its not money I’m after anyway. For me, I can be more effective with one-on-one with the special children who understand little of themselves, this world and their surroundings than tend to preschoolers who would just throw tantrums because they just want to when their needs aren’t met.
Oh well.. We all do have different views. Different ways of addressing our usefulness and attending to our needs. This week or the next, i hope they would eventually stop pestering me.
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